Peregrine Hawk Kites for Boats

Peregrine Hawk Kites are a hugely effective method of repelling seagulls from boats.
Long term testing on a 32ft motorboat in Poole Harbour, which has exceedingly high bird pressure, has shown them to be successful at stopping gulls from roosting on boats. This greatly reduces the amount of bird faeces and broken shellfish left on a boat.
No More Extensive Cleaning
Cleaning gull mess before going boating takes up precious time and can waste hours. And with the cost of boating being so high, this is very valuable sailing time lost.
Taking a Peregrine Hawk Kite plus pole down and storing it in the boat only take a few minutes, as does setting back it up before the boat is left on the mooring. And it is a predictable few minutes. On the other hand, you never can predict how long will be required to clean a boat from bird faeces until you actually get there.
Eliminate Filth
Birds leave all sorts of filth on a boat. Oily faeces, smelly shellfish, cuttlefish ink, fish bones, and more. Being oily, seagull faeces is particularly hard to clean off with normal water and sponge. It manages to be both hard, smelly, and slippery all at the same time. Cuttlefish ink stains boat decks, requiring hours of scrubbing with powerful cleaners to get it off. A pristine boat can become a foul, stinking mess in a just few days if a large herring gull decides to use it as a feeding station. The clothes of those cleaning the boat get dirty too, requiring the crew to change and later wash their clothes.
Peregrine Hawk Kites save you from this filth every time you go boating.
Protect Your Boat
Bird droppings and squid ink are so hard to clean off that sometimes the scraping, scrubbing and chemical cleaners required to remove them may well damage or discolour the boat. Replacing decking, caulking, or seat cover materials, is very expensive and time consuming.
Peregrine Hawk Kites help look after your boat when you are away.
Protect Boat Covers
Extensive seagull feaces can completely destroy expensive boat covers, which are difficult and time-consuming to replace.
Foul seagull droppings liquids can penetrate right through a boat cover causing it to smell, and no amount of cleaning will ever truly resolve this. The stained cover must be thrown away if the boat is ever to look or smell fresh again. What's more, boat droppings on a cover need to be shaken off before the boat cover is removed and folded up, covering the crew in powdered bird droppings. Need to put the boat cover in the cabin for storage before going boating? Then the cabin and bunks may get contaminated with bird faeces too.
Peregrine Hawk Kites stop birds using a boat as a home. They hugely reduce the contamination of boat covers, saving trouble, time and money.
Protect Your Investment
Boats are hugely expensive. Damaging them with excessive bird faeces will eventually permanently ruin the boat, lowering its value.
Peregrine Hawk Kites can protect your capital by helping retain a boat's resale value.

Safer Boating
Slippery bird faeces and sharp broken shellfish bodies are dangerous if left on a boat. Even after cleaning a boat, it is easy to miss a bit of sharp crab shell on deck. Standing on it with bare feet can easily lead to nasty injuries or slipping, even when wearing deck shoes.
The Peregrine Hawk plus pole can reduce this problem, leading to safer boating and peace of mind.
Save Fresh Water
After cleaning seagull droppings off a boat, the boat, the cover (and/or the crew!) may need to be washed and rinsed with
fresh water. As you know, fresh water is scarce on a boat, often needing to be transported onto the boat by in heavy water containers.
Using the Peregrine Hawk Kite saves precious fresh water, too.
Custom Aluminium Kite Pole for Boats
Both the 7m glass fibre kite pole and the 6m aluminium kite pole can be used on boats without modification, if their secure attachment is done with consideration and common sense by the boat owner.
In our experience, however, many boat owners appreciate small modifications to the kite pole to suit its attachment and operation from a small boat.
Custom features available are:
Reduction in the height of the aluminium pole from the usual 6m using five sections down to 3.6 metres using just 3 sections. This height is usually adequate to cover a 30ft boat. Being shorter, it eases deployment, reduces storage issues and reduces strain on the pole attachment points. There is also the option to use just two sections, if preferred.
Linking the sections together with internal bungee cord so they can never be lost.
Having Velcro and cord ties on the lower section to facilitate secure attachment of the pole to the boat's guard rails, gunwales, radar arch, etc.
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